Monday 31 October 2016


There are perks to having a Tenrec.

Many people think "Oh its spiky and scared of me what good could it be?".

Well, once socialised to you and your household, Tenrecs become an amazing, low maintenance pet! Other than some spot cleaning, feeding and daily dose of strokes and kisses they are quite independent!

As the tittle of this post Babysitting I'd like to talk about when the family goes away and the Tenrecs must stay.

We are going away for this weekend and are leaving the Tenrecs in the care of my boyfriends brother. He is not very interested in them and has never held them or paid much interest... Luckily, this doesn’t matter!

In the case of you not being there for 1 or 2 days the Tenrecs are fine as long as they have food and water and a clean cage.  It really also helps to leave pre-prepared meals for them like meal worms or chicken in the fridge to be given to them every night. This gives them their fresh food every night and the care taker isn’t put through too much of a hassle.

When you get home from your weekend away make sure you give them lots of love! They may be a little groggy because you weren’t there to hold them the previous 2 days but they will come around quickly.


  1. You really should share this to the Tenrec Group :)

    1. I did share the first post but ill share this one too :) thank you!
